Monday, November 28, 2016

Project 2 Video

Project 2

For this project, we were assigned to used the program, Dynamo, which is an add-in for Revit. The one goal I had for this project was to alter the original checkerboard design that the Shipping and Transport College had and create my own patterns. At first I couldn't use the first panels that I created in Project 1, because of the complexity the panel contained 5 smaller panels. So I had to use a simpler design as shown below. I applied a material parameter that would later be used to distinguish the two types of materials.

After creating this curtain panel family, I applied it to my original mass model.

By using Excel, I was able to create a CSV file for one pattern that would be applied onto the panels. The ones were assigned to one material and the zeroes corresponded to another material.

Then, I opened up Dynamo and applied the CSV file and corresponding elements to create the designs that I made in Excel.

Once I hit run on the Dynamo file, it successfully worked and created the X shape that was created on the original Excel file.

After I successfully attempted one side, I decided to explore and apply the same process onto another side of the model.

Here is the final product with both sides applied with the Dynamo files.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Project 1 Video


Exterior Rendering

Interior Rendering

Experimenting with Parameters

With experimenting with the building's envelope and its parameters, I have changed either the orientation, extrusions, and materials to see if my set parameters worked.





Building Envelope

In order to create the building's facade, I had to create a family that consisted of five shapes. I ran into some trouble when applying the family onto the conceptual mass because it would not align with the divided surfaces. After many trials and errors, by establishing reference points and planes for the five forms, it was a success. I also had to create a second family without the glass panel for the sloped roof of the building. I applied material parameters that gave the overall building its checkerboard facade.

Conceptual Mass

In order to create the conceptual massing of the building, I had to create four different forms that compiled into the buliding's form.

 Bottom Form     

Sloped Form on Top of Base 

 Tower Form

Extruded Form from Tower

Overall Form

I applied certain parameters to the certain forms, if I ever wanted to change the sizes of the four forms.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Project 1 - Rotterdam Periscope

For this project, I have chosen to do the Shipping and Transport College, or the Rotterdam Periscope. Located in Rotterdam, Netherlands, this building for Netherlands Maritime University was designed by Neutelings Riedijk Architects in 2001 and completed by 2006. This building's facade is made of blue and white corrugated panels that symbolizes stacked shipping containers and allows views of the Port of Rotterdam. I will be attempting to create various parametric families that will be applied in the building's Revit model.